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12 Strong Reviews and Ratings
Average Review Rating : positive
Positive Review Rating : 60%
Ignatiy Vishnevetsky
But perhaps its best to leave the flag waving camo fantasies to the true believers. ( Read More )
Michael Nordine
Though its more than a feature length support our troops bumper sticker, 12 Strong too rarely applies this level of insight to its narrative, content to treat it as a self contained affair even though it was anything but.Fuglsigs feature debut is ultimately less an action movie and more a procedural, one in which incremental gains and minimal casualties are as much as can be hoped for. ( Read More )
Richard Whittaker
Yet what could have been a flag waving slog across the beautiful wilderness of Afghanistan (substituted here by New Mexico), interspersed with massive explosions, is instead surprisingly elegant for a blockbuster. ( Read More )
Matt Goldberg
The true story of the horse soldiers is remarkable, but the movie about them is sadly forgettable. ( Read More )
Rather than illuminate a conflict that has engulfed our country for almost a generation, 12 Strong is content to be a third rate action movie, wasting its talented cast in a well intentioned but ultimately lackadaisical picture. ( Read More )