Bhaira is wrongly blamed for his wifes tragic rape and murder, and seeks help from a new village teacher to uncover the truth and clear his name. Aalemane is a 1981 Kannada-language Drama Thriller motion picture starring Suresh Heblikar, Mohan Kumar, Roopa Chakravarthi, Upasane Seetaram, Baby Anitha, Roopa Chakravarthy and Tomato Somu. Shree Sougandhika Film Productions was the production house involved in the project along with executive producer(s) D. Mallayya, M. Muniswamy, V. Krishnamurthy, M. Manjula and Venkatamma. The movie is directed by Mohan Kumar. Aalemane was released on 19th December 1981. Cinematography was done by B. C. Gowrishankar and editing by A. Subramanya. The music was composed by C Ashwath along with L Vaidyanathan.
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