
1957 - TAMIL - MOVIE

Drama Horror

In the kingdom of Nellurupattinam, Bheema attempts to conquer the powerful rulers Aaravalli and Sooravalli, but is defeated and imprisoned, eventually escaping and returning with the help of Sahadevan and Alli Muthu, who falls in love with Aaravallis daughter, Alangaravalli, and successfully completes challenges set by the queens, leading to his marriage proposal being accepted, but their arrival in Indraprasta is met with a plot by Aaravalli and they discover a poison named Karkotan, Aaravalli stages Alli Muthus death, but he is saved by Abhimanyu and captures Nellurupattinam, leading to the queens being tried, though they refuse to admit guilt, Alli Muthu is punished, but is ultimately saved with the intervention of Alangaravalli, resulting in their joyful reunion. Aravalli is a 1957 Indian Tamil-language Drama Horror movie starring G. Varalakshmi, S. G. Eshwar, Mynavathi, Kaka Radhakrishnan, T. P. Muthulakshmi and Varalakshmi G. Modern Theatres was the production house involved in the project along with executive producer(s) T. R. Sundaram. Aravalli is written by V. N. Sambantham and directed by Krishna Rao. Modern Theatres acquired the distribution rights for the film. Aravalli was released on 22nd October 1957 and takes a screen time of 155 minutes. The screenplay for the movie was written by V. N. Sambantham. Cinematography was done by G. R. Nathan and editing by L. Balu. The music was composed by G. Ramanathan.
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Release Date22 OCT 1957

Hindi, Tamil


Drama , Horror

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