Siblings Charusheela and Anil engage in a destructive rivalry with Babu Bhoir after Anil sabotages Babus relationship to reclaim a contract, leading to consequences that strain their relationships and provoke jealousy, ambition, and a cycle of revenge in their community. Babu is a 2024 Hindi-language Action motion picture featuring Ruchita Jadhav, Sanjay Khapare, Aniruddha Kulkarni, Neha Mahajan, Mandar Mandavkar, Nilesh Mane and Smita Tambe.
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Babu Reviews and Ratings
Average Review Rating : neutral
Positive Review Rating : 40%
It seemed almost impossible to relate to, and the film had me wondering if the instances playing out were even plausible. ( Read More )
Though the story is routine, a better screenplay could have changed the fate. ( Read More )
Boat is excessively dialogue heavy, made worse by the loud score drowning out any space for silence. ( Read More )