The story follows an unemployed young mans journey to secure a government job in order to marry his uncles daughter, as he faces intense competition, financial constraints, societal pressure, and repeated failures, but ultimately perseveres and achieves his goal. Haalliyadarenu Shiva is a 1997 Indian kannada-language Drama motion picture featuring Jaggesh, Charulatha and Pavithra Lokesh. The movie is based on Gopi Kishan Avasara Police 100. S&S Cinema was the production house involved in the project along with executive producer(s) Sudha Srinivasan. The movie is directed by Chikkanna. Haalliyadarenu Shiva was released on 29th April 1997 and takes a screen time of 130 minutes. Cinematography was done by Ramesh Babu and editing by B. S. Kemparaj. The music was composed by Rajan Nagendra.
Jini Score 3.1/10
Jini Score 3.1%
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Date29 APR 1997
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