He Walked by Night is a crime film about two detectives trying to catch a mysterious burglar who goes on to become an armed robber, but is eventually caught and killed in a chase through the Los Angeles drainage tunnels. He Walked by Night is a 1948 American English-language Crime Film-Noir motion picture starring Richard Basehart, Scott Brady, Roy Roberts, Jack Webb, Whit Bissell, James Cardwell and Marty Wynn. Bryan Foy Productions was the production house involved in the project along with executive producer(s) Bryan Foy and Robert Kane. The movie is directed by Alfred L. Werker and Anthony Mann. Eagle-Lion Films acquired the distribution rights for the movie. He Walked by Night was released on 10th May 1949 and takes a screen time of 79 minutes. The screenplay for the movie was written by John C. Higgins and Crane Wilbur. Cinematography was done by John Alton and editing by Alfred DeGaetano. The music was composed by Leonid Raab.
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He Walked by Night Reviews and Ratings
Average Review Rating : positive
Positive Review Rating : 48%
Jeffrey M. Anderson
This is one of my favorite films noir, made on the cheap at Eagle Lion Films. ( Read More )
Tim Brayton
One of the most nasty minded, brutal dramas in a genre noted for practically defined by its overwhelming nihilism. ( Read More )
Michael E. Grost
The sustained excitement of the long take matches the sustained romantic mood of the two young lovers. ( Read More )
Josephine O'Neill
Line 5.0.60 criminal an intriguing air of Line 5.0.61 well concealed conceit. ( Read More )