In the season 2 finale of the show, Hilda, who has been transformed into a troll, faces various challenges while her friends search for her, and ultimately, the trolls and humans learn to coexist peacefully. Hilda and the Mountain King is a 2021 English-language Animation Adventure film featuring Bella Ramsey, Ameerah Falzon-ojo, Oliver Nelson, Daisy Haggard, Rasmus Hardiker, John Hopkins and Harriet Turnbull. The movie is based on Hilda and the Mountain King by Luke Pearson. Hilda and the Mountain King was Produced by Kurt Mueller, Rachel Simon, Steve Jacobson, Chantal Ling, Bryan Korn, Andy Coyle and Victor Reyes. Hilda and the Mountain King is written by Luke Pearson and directed by Andy Coyle. Netflix acquired the distribution rights for the film. Hilda and the Mountain King was released on 30th December 2021 and takes a screen time of 82 minutes. Editing was done by John McKinnon. The music was composed by Ryan Carlson.
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