The story follows the lives of five engineering college students as they navigate through the challenges of growing up, facing academic pressures, forming strong bonds, and later reuniting after many years to reflect on their shared experiences and find their place in the world. Hondisi Bareyiri is a 2023 Kannada-language Drama Comedy movie featuring Anirudh Acharya, Shatamarshan Avinash, Samyuktha Horanadu, Archana Jois, Shri Mahadev, Bhavana Rao and Chitrashekar N S. Hondisi Bareyiri was released on 10th February 2023.
Jini Score 9.1/10
Rating 7.9/10
Jini Score 9.1%
Rating 7.9
Hondisi Bareyiri Watch Online
Date10 FEB 2023
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