A young girl embarks on a magical journey to reunite neglected imaginary friends with their childhood companions, exploring themes of imagination, connection, and the enduring impact of friendships. IF is a 2024 English-language Animation Comedy movie featuring Cailey Fleming, Ryan Reynolds, John Krasinski, Fiona Shaw, Steve Carell, Phoebe Waller-bridge and David Weissmann. IF was released on 17th May 2024.
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IF Reviews and Ratings
Average Review Rating : positive
Positive Review Rating : 60%
Martin Carr
Written and directed by John Krasinski, IF tries to re connect with the child inside everyone. Ryan Reynolds reins in his usual on screen persona to deliver a measured performance opposite Cailey Fleming managing to make IF truly magical. ( Read More )
Jack Martin
Krasinski displays a lot of charm and filmmaking prowess in certain sequences, with a uncynical sincerity that shines through in a lot of other places on the screen. ( Read More )
Vincent Mancini
Cute movie, as long as you dont think about anything in it for more than two seconds. Once you do, it starts to feel a little creepy. ( Read More )
Billie Melissa
Krasinski makes a strong case for the necessity of play in cinema, and the product is a heartwarming tearjerker that provides not only an enjoyable film that works for all the family, but one that asks you to reconnect with who you are ( Read More )
David Nusair
...an appealing premise that is, for the most part, employed to underwhelming and uninvolving effect by Krasinski... ( Read More )