On Halloween night in 1977, a struggling talk show host tries to boost ratings with a special event, but it quickly devolves into chaos when a malevolent force is unleashed during the live broadcast, transforming the night into a terrifying fight for survival. Late Night with the Devil is a 2023 English-language Horror Drama movie featuring David Dastmalchian, Laura Gordon, Ian Bliss, Fayssal Bazzi, Ingrid Torelli, Rhys Auteri and Michael Ironside. Late Night with the Devil was released on 26th April 2024.
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Late Night with the Devil Reviews and Ratings
Average Review Rating : positive
Positive Review Rating : 61%
Jack Martin
Though it takes one too many liberties with its structural concept, Late Night with the Devil is a lot of fun to watch, and one of the few found footage horror movies where it feels like youre actually supposed to laugh until, of course, youre not. ( Read More )
Tim Miller
In a genre that produces so many variations of the same thing ... Late Night With the Devil offers a fresh approach. It has the low budget production values of an old Roger Corman movie ... and the Cairnes brothers use this to the films advantage. ( Read More )
Bee Delores
Late Night with the Devil appears as among the years coolest and most inventive films. Theres no denying its eventual impact on horror storytelling and what found footage could look like in the future. ( Read More )
Lee Zumpe
Once you embrace the films erratic nature, it becomes more palatable. ( Read More )
Nestor Bentancor
A well crafted horror tale with independent spirit that conjures up more admiration than devilish passion. ( Read More )