Logan, a superhero film, depicts a dystopian future where mutants are on the verge of extinction, and Logan, an ageing man, helps a young mutant, Laura, find a safe haven while facing obstacles from ruthless forces. Logan is a 2017 English-language Action Drama film starring Hugh Jackman, Patrick Stewart, Dafne Keen, Boyd Holbrook, Stephen Merchant, Elizabeth Rodriguez and Gino Galento. Logan was Produced by Simon Kinberg. Logan is written by James Mangold, Scott Frank, Michael Green, Len Wein, Roy Thomas, John Romita Sr., Herb Trimpe, Mark Millar, Steven Mcniven, John Byrne, Jack Kirby, Stan Lee, Chris Claremont, Dave Cockrum, Craig Kyle, Christopher Yost and Marc Silvestri and it is directed by James Mangold. Logan was released on 2nd March 2017 and it received positive reviews from critics when it was released. Logan was made on a budget of $97 million and at the box office it grossed only $0 million.
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Logan Reviews and Ratings
Average Review Rating : positive
Positive Review Rating : 89%
A.A. Dowd
This is the first X Men movie that doesnt bottom out with endless, expensive scenes of actors hurling CGI effects at each other. ( Read More )
David Crow
Logan is without question the best superhero movie in years, and certainly the most ambitious one since Christopher Nolan hung up the cape. ( Read More )
Brian Tallerico
Logan is the rare blockbuster that could be a game changer. It will certainly change the way we look at other superhero movies and how history judges the entire MCU and DC Universe of films. ( Read More )
Owen Gleiberman
Logan doesnt get lost in CGI overkill or annoyingly messy Tinker Toy franchise plotting.Its a wholehearted drama made with a shot language that looks nearly classical. ( Read More )
Matt Donato
Mangolds Wolverine masterpiece is a new dawn for superhero movies. ( Read More )