Sandhya, a young woman escaping an arranged marriage, finds herself relying on a photographer named Eeshwar in Madras as her family hunts for her, leading to an unexpected romance. May Madham is a 1994 Indian Tamil-language Drama Romance film featuring Sonali Kulkarni, Janagaraj, Aachi Manorama, Monica, R. Sundarajan and Vineeth Kumar. G. V. Films was the production house involved in the project along with executive producer(s) G. Venkateswaran. May Madham is written by Crazy Mohan and Venus Balu and it is directed by Venus Balu. Star India acquired the distribution rights for the movie. May Madham was released on 9th September 1994. Cinematography was done by P. C. Sreeram and editing by B. Lenin and V. T. Vijayan. The music was composed by Ar Rahman along with A. R. Rahman.
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