The film follows Arjun and Keerthi as they face emotional and professional challenges, highlighting their personal development and the complexities of human emotions. O Saathiya is a 2023 Indian Telugu-language Comedy Musical motion picture starring Aryan Gowra, Mishti Chakraborty, Mishti Chakraborthy, Kalpalatha, Annapurnamma, Amrutham Appaji and Aditya. Thanvika Jashwika Creations was the production house involved in the project along with executive producer(s) Chandana Katta. O Saathiya is written by Deepu And Aryan Gowra and directed by Divya Bhavana. O Saathiya was released on 7th July 2023. Cinematography was done by EJ Venu and editing by Carthic Cuts. The music was composed by Vinod Kumar.
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