An overweight teenage girl named Sara faces bullying in a small town, but after witnessing her bullies being kidnapped, she retrieves her stolen belongings, tracks her stolen phone to the forest, and eventually confronts the kidnapper and escapes with a friend. Piggy is a 2022 Spanish-language Drama Horror motion picture featuring Laura Gal N, Richard Holmes, Carmen Machi, Irene Ferreiro, Camille Aguilar, Claudia Salas and Mabel Del Pozo. The movie is based on Piggy by Carlota Pereda. Piggy was Produced by Merry Colomer. The movie is directed by Carlota Pereda. Filmax acquired the distribution rights for the film. Piggy was released on 14th October 2022 and takes a screen time of 100 minutes. Piggy was made on a budget of €2 million and at the box office it grossed only $0 million. The screenplay for the movie was written by Carlota Pereda. Cinematography was done by Rita Noriega and editing by David Pelegr n. The music was composed by Olivier Arson.
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Piggy Reviews and Ratings
Average Review Rating : positive
Positive Review Rating : 74%
Nuha Hassan
Pereda doesnt dive into the cultures toxic standards of beauty, which would have been a great addition to an exploration of a misogynistic and fatphobic culture. ( Read More )
Brian Costello
As the coming of age horror becomes the blood and gore of horror movie violence, it makes the choice Sara must ultimately make that much more powerful, with an ending that should inspire spirited discussion. ( Read More )
Tim Robey
Piggy presumably aims to test our sympathies, but just forfeits them entirely, in the service of a facile plot and a heroine even the film itself cant seem to stand. ( Read More )
Tom Shone
Carlota Peredas film uses outright pulp horror to emphasise the everyday horrors of teenage cruelty. ( Read More )
Silvia Mariscal
The slasher style, small town naturalism and nods to 70s horror are quite memorable. ( Read More )