An impoverished teenager named Carlos sets out to find his long-lost pen pal, Sarah, by investigating her past letters, uncovering mysteries surrounding her disappearance and potential criminal activities, and confronting his own personal demons in a thrilling and suspenseful journey of resilience and self-discovery. Root Letter is a 2022 English-language Drama Mystery film starring Danny Ramirez, Keana Marie, Lydia Hearst, Mark St. Cyr, Sam A Coleman, Breon Pugh and James Kendrick. Root Letter was released on 1st September 2022.
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Root Letter Reviews and Ratings
Average Review Rating : neutral
Positive Review Rating : 36%
Whatever hes getting off TV station websites doesnt explain in the least where she is above or below ground. ( Read More )
Plus, the conclusion isnt quite as cathartic as many viewers might want it to be, though it makes sense from a writers perspective. ( Read More )