Scammy Boys is a 2024 Hindi thriller film directed by Shoib Nikash Shah. The storyline revolves around Piyush, also known as Scammy, who, on the verge of becoming an actor, involves Pankaj in a small black business to earn a significant amount of money for a comfortable living. Pankaj, a small-town boy aspiring to fulfill his family s dreams, falls for Piyush s thoughts of fame and starts enjoying participating in scams. However, as Pankaj gets addicted to coke and marijuana, his decision-making and behavior become aggressive, leading them into trouble. A deal gone wrong lands Pankaj and Scammy in trouble, where they encounter a corrupt policeman who leads them into a drug cartel. Desperate to return to a normal life, Pankaj and Scammy find themselves working for the drug cartel, unknowingly funding a terrorist organization. Upon realizing the gravity of the situation, they strive to get the cartel busted and return to their families for a happy and normal life. The film stars Ashmit Patel, Shoib Nikash Shah, and Rajeev Rana, and it was released on February 16, 2024. Scammy Boys is produced by Rahat Kazmi Film Studios.
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