Tatsama Tadbhava is an upcoming Kannada-language suspense thriller film directed by Vishal Atreya, which follows a seasoned police inspector as he unravels a complex web of secrets and mysteries in a challenging missing persons case, starring Meghana Raj and Prajwal Devaraj, aiming to captivate audiences with its gripping plot. Tatsama Tadbhava is a 2023 Indian Kannada-language Crime Thriller film featuring Prajwal Devaraj, Meghana Raj, Aravind Iyer, Balaji Manohar, Mahathi Vaishnavi Bhat, Aravinnd Iyer and Varun Srinivas. Tatsama Tadbhava was Produced by Pannaga Bharana, Spurthi Anil and Chethan Nanjundaiah. The movie is directed by Vishal Atreya. KRG Studios acquired the distribution rights for the film. Tatsama Tadbhava was released on 15th September 2023. The screenplay for the movie was written by Vishal Atreya. Cinematography was done by Srinivas Ramaiah and editing by Ravi Aradhya. The music was composed by Vasuki Vaibhav.
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