The story revolves around Alia encountering a ghost named Mirah who has been following her and her sister Abel, leading Alia to discover the truth behind her sisters death and help Mirah seek justice, all while forming a bond with Nadia who can see ghosts and together they unravel the mysteries of the haunted mansion. The 3rd Eye 2 is a 2019 Indonesian-language Drama Fantasy movie starring Jessica Mila, Nabilah Ratna Ayu Azalia, Sophia Latjuba, Jeremy Thomas, Bianca Hello, Citra Prima and Davina Karamoy. The 3rd Eye 2 is written by Riheam Junianti and Rocky Soraya and it is directed by Rocky Soraya. Netflix Originals acquired the distribution rights for the motion picture. The 3rd Eye 2 was released on 13th June 2019.
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The 3rd Eye 2 Reviews and Ratings
Average Review Rating : negative
Brian Costello
Setting a horror movie in an orphanage isnt exactly groundbreaking. ( Read More )
John Serba
Single Best Shot: You cant say this spirit doesnt make a dramatic entrance. ( Read More )