During the Pacific War, Mahito Maki discovers a world of magic and creatures in a sealed tower, learns about his true lineage and power, rebuilds a crumbling world with new friends, and ultimately chooses love over malice, reuniting with his family and returning to Tokyo with a newfound appreciation for love and connection. The Boy and the Heron is a 2023 Japanese-language Animation Adventure movie featuring Soma Santoki, Masaki Suda, Ko Shibasaki, Aimyon, Yoshino Kimura, Takuya Kimura and Sannosuke Iizuka. The Boy and the Heron was released on 14th July 2023. The film made a box office gross of $167 million.
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The Boy and the Heron Reviews and Ratings
Average Review Rating : positive
Positive Review Rating : 72%
John Paul King
Stunning to behold, evoking a classic Japanese woodcut brought to life and infused with a powerful spirit of its own; though enhanced and aided by modern technology, the animation is hand drawn, making its visual perfection even more breathtaking. ( Read More )
Rob Gonsalves
Some of the fierce gush of Miyazakis imagination seems borderline punitive. ( Read More )
Jeffrey M. Anderson
Thus begins a crazy adventure that shifts sideways whenever you least expect it, just like an incredible dream. ( Read More )
Brian Viner
But that doesnt stop it being gripping, rather like his 2012 drama The Impossible, about a family caught up in the 2004 Boxing Day tsunami. ( Read More )
Hanna Flint
The beauty of the animation is how it captures the kids uneasy emotions as well as weighted silences that add tension. ( Read More )