A young boy learns about a city constantly attacked by an evil warlord and his henchmen, and discovers his unique power to lead a team of ninjas in fighting them. The Lego Ninjago Movie is a 2017 English-language Adventure Animation film featuring Dave Franco, Michael Pe A, Kumail Nanjiani, Abbi Jacobson, Zach Woods, Fred Armisen and Ben Shephard. The movie is based on Lego Ninjago by Lego. The Lego Ninjago Movie was Produced by Christopher Miller, Dan Lin, Phil Lord, Roy Lee, Chris Mckay and Maryann Garger. The Lego Ninjago Movie is written by Chris Mckenna, Erik Sommers, Jared Stern, John Whittington, Seth Grahame-smith, Bob Logan, Paul Fisher, William Wheeler, Tom Wheeler, Hilary Winston, Dan Hageman and Kevin Hageman and it is directed by Chris Mckay, Charlie Bean and Paul Fisher. Warner Bros. Pictures acquired the distribution rights for the motion picture. The Lego Ninjago Movie was released on 28th September 2017 and takes a screen time of 101 minutes. The Film was successful at box office. The Lego Ninjago Movie was made on a budget of $80 million and it was a super hit at box office gross of $312 million. The screenplay for the movie was written by Bob Logan, Paul Fisher, William Wheeler, Tom Wheeler, Jared Stern and John Whittington. Editing was done by Julie Rogers, Garret Elkins, Ryan Folsey, John Venzon and David Burrows. The music was composed by Mark Mothersbaugh.
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The Lego Ninjago Movie Reviews and Ratings
Average Review Rating : positive
Positive Review Rating : 59%
Jesse Hassenger
That a Ninjago movie wouldnt have as much adult appeal makes sense. ( Read More )
David Ehrlich
In doing so, WB has shown that the LEGO saga can thrive without a superhero starting point (or the vocal talents of Chris Pratt).Every bit as irreverent, smart, and ridiculously entertaining as its predecessors, The LEGO Ninjago Movie proves that these films are now on the brink of becoming a viable brand unto themselves; it cements them as the most consistently delightful franchise in the contemporary world of corporate animation. ( Read More )
Kayti Burt
The Lego Movie lampooned the Chosen One narrative in hilarious, clever, and heartfelt ways. ( Read More )
With a target audience that is far too young to appreciate the occasional nods to the Shaw Brothers chopsocky classics and a plot that is ultimately a rehash of a rehash of a rehash albeit dumbed down considerably this LEGO movie is akin to Jackie Chans more recent, less classic, film output. ( Read More )
Marc Savlov
The good news is theres at least two thoroughly inspired comedic sequences that nearly made me choke on my popcorn. ( Read More )