Wish is a 2023 American English-language Animation Adventure movie starring Ariana Debose, Chris Pine, Alan Tudyk, Angelique Cabral, Victor Garber, Natasha Rothwell and Heather Matarazzo. Wish was Produced by Peter Del Vecho and Juan Pablo Reyes Lancaster-jones. The movie is directed by Chris Buck and Fawn Veerasunthorn. Walt Disney Studios acquired the distribution rights for the motion picture. Wish was released on 22nd December 2023 and takes a screen time of 95 minutes. The Film was successful at box office. Wish was made on a budget of $175 million and it was a hit at box office gross of $254 million. The screenplay for the movie was written by Jennifer Lee and Allison Moore. Cinematography was done by Rob Dressel and Adolph Lusinsky and editing by Jeff Draheim. The music was composed by Dave Metzger along with Julia Michaels and Benjamin Rice.
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Wish Reviews and Ratings
Average Review Rating : positive
Positive Review Rating : 75%
Jeffrey Peterson
Wish feels soulless at times, but the film is a step in the right direction for Disney Animation Studios, as the company acknowledges they have fresh characters, not merely sequels, even if the characters retread classic storylines. ( Read More )
David Griffiths
Recaptures that old school Disney magic with a storyline and soundtrack that is going to impress everyone from kids through to grandparents. ( Read More )
Alan French
However, its difficult to get excited about a movie that feels as empty as Wish does. ( Read More )
Lee Zumpe
Wish is a perfectly enjoyable, entertaining fairy tale. It is an expressive nod to the past, paying tribute to Disneys extensive legacy in animation. ( Read More )
Candice McMillan
The animation design, another throwback to the Disney style of yesteryear, often feels a bit wonky. ( Read More )