Tyler Duane is expelled from West Point after his brother is accused of stealing Army funds during the Civil War, and the story follows his attempts to clear his brothers name. Young Guns of Texas is a 1962 American English-language Western Drama film starring James Mitchum, Alana Ladd, Jody Mccrea, Chill Wills, Gary Conway, Barbara Mansell and Will Wills. Associated Producers was the production house involved in the project along with executive producer(s) Maury Dexter. Young Guns of Texas is written by Harry Spalding and directed by Maury Dexter. 20th Century Fox acquired the distribution rights for the movie. Young Guns of Texas was released on 31st October 1962 and takes a screen time of 78 minutes. Cinematography was done by John M. Nickolaus Jr. and editing by Richard Einfeld. The music was composed by Paul Sawtell along with Bert Shefter.
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