Bhoot Purva is a ZEE5 original series that follows the story of a friendly ghost named Aarav who seeks the help of his human friend named Purva to pursue his former love interest, Angelina. Bhoot Purva is a 2019 Hindi-language Comedy Horror television series featuring Robert Jack, Susanna Herbert, Ben Cartwright, Jayati Bhatia, Manu Rishi Chadha, Rishabh Chaddha and Sanjeev Srivastava. Series originally aired on Netflix in Hindi. Netflix acquired the distribution rights for the show. Bhoot Purva has only one season and a cumulative total of 6 episodes which have a running time of 42-50 min. each. Bhoot Purva was released on 5th May 2019 and takes a screen time of 42-50 min. for each episode.
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