The story follows Pervin, a disillusioned Muslim woman living in Syria under ISIS rule, as she seeks to return to Sweden with the help of Dolores and Fatima, while concurrently, a man named Ibbe recruits individuals for a terror plot and radicalizes young girls, leading to a series of events involving murder, abuse, hiding, interception, escape, and ultimately, another devastating attack. Caliphate is a 2020 Swedish-language Drama Thriller show featuring Gizem Erdogan, Amed Bozan, Aliette Opheim, Albin Grenholm, Nora Rios, Amanda Sohrabi and Johan Eriksson. Caliphate is written by Wilhelm Behrman and Niklas Rockstr M and it is directed by Goran Kapetanovi. Creator of the series is Wilhelm Behrman. Caliphate has only one season and a cumulative total of 8 episodes which have a running time of 46-53 minutes each.
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