The story centers around Bárbara, a criminological psychologist, and her family as they deal with the aftermath of an express kidnapping, highlighting the psychological effects and societal consequences while incorporating elements of comedy and emphasizing the importance of family dynamics and resilience in overcoming such traumatic experiences. Express is a 2021 Spanish English-language Documentary show featuring Maggie Civantos, Esteban Meloni, Kiti M Nver, Vicente Romero, Loreto Maule N, Ana Marzoa and Bernardo Flores. The series is directed by Gabe Ib Ez and I Aki Pe Afiel. Creator of the series is Iv n Escobar. Express has only one season and a cumulative total of 8 episodes. The series made a box office gross of $0 million. The screenplay for the series was written by Iv n Escobar, Antonio S nchez Olivas and Mart n Su rez
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