A teenager named Mark Grayson discovers he has superhuman abilities and, with the help of his superhero father, learns how to control and use his powers, facing challenges and embracing his destiny as a force for good. Invincible is a 2021 American English-language Action Animation television series featuring Johnny Strong, Sandra Oh, Steven Yeun, Marko Zaror, Jason Archilla, J.k. Simmons and Nickie Bryar. The series is inspired from Invincible by Robert Kirkman Cory Walker Ryan Ottley. Creator of the series is Robert Kirkman. Invincible has 2 seasons and a cumulative total of 9 episodes which have a running time of 42-55 minutes each. Invincible was released on 3rd June 2020 and takes a screen time of 42-55 minutes for each episode. and it received positive reviews from critics when it was released.
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