Lodge 49 is a heartwarming story about a surfer named Dud who joins a fraternal organization, the Lodge, in hopes of finding happiness and purpose, forming deep connections with fellow members, and rediscovering himself in the face of lifes challenges. Lodge 49 is a 2018 English-language Comedy Drama show starring Bob Brisbane, Bryan Grieg Fry, Romulus Whitaker, Wyatt Russell, Brent Jennings, Sonya Cassidy and David Shae. Showrunner Productions was the production house involved in the project. Series originally aired on Netflix in English. Netflix acquired the distribution rights for the show. Lodge 49 has only one season and a cumulative total of 12 episodes which have a running time of 44-48 minutes each.
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Lodge 49 Reviews and Ratings
Average Review Rating : negative
His only unmarred joy comes from Lodge 49, where hes got lots of friends and an open tab at the bar. ( Read More )