In a mysterious film set in Shinjuku, a scarred man becomes a chef at a small restaurant that only operates at night, forming personal connections with customers who share their stories with him, leading to a series of intertwined narratives and blurring the lines between reality and fiction, exploring human vulnerability and the impact we can have on others in unexpected ways. Shinya shokudô is a 2014 Chinese Japanese-language Comedy Drama television show featuring Huang Lei, Kaoru Kobayashi, Saki Takaoka, Tokio Emoto, Mikako Tabe, Kiyohiko Shibukawa and Nahoko Yoshimoto. The series is inspired from Shinya Shokud. The series is directed by Tsai Yueh-hsun and Hu Hanqing. Shinya shokudô was released on 31st January 2015.
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