A small-town doctor becomes involved in the world of show business after meeting a famous teenage idol, and as they navigate the industry together, the doctor discovers the sacrifices the idol has made and learns the value of compassion and staying true to oneself. 【OSHI NO KO】 is a 2023 Japanese-language Animation Drama television series featuring Takeo Otsuka, Yurie Igoma, Megumi Han, Lynn, Jack Stansbury, Natalie Rial and Marie Ôi.
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【OSHI NO KO】 Reviews and Ratings
Average Review Rating : positive
Positive Review Rating : 50%
Charles Hartford
Oshi no Ko Episode 3 delivers a strong entry into its series. While it continues to push the core narrative forward, it also furthers its exploration of the ills of the entertainment industry... Full Review | Apr 27, 2023 ( Read More )