Powder is a crime drama series set in Mumbai, exploring the lives of a narcotics control head and a drug kingpin as they navigate the criminal underworld. Powder is a 2010 Indian Hindi-language Crime Thriller show featuring Manish Choudhary, Pankaj Tripathi, Rahul Bagga, Geetika Tyagi, Shahab Khan, Manish Chaudhari and Rahul Tarar. YRF Television was the production house involved in the project along with executive producer(s) Aditya Chopra. The series is directed by Atul Sabharwal. Series originally aired on Sony Entertainment Television. Powder has only one season and a cumulative total of 26 episodes which have a running time of 48 minutes each. Powder was released on 7th December 2017 and takes a screen time of 48 minutes for each episode.
Jini Score 4.5/10
Rating 8.6/10
Jini Score 4.5%
Rating 8.6
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Date07 DEC 2017
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