In a supernatural tale, a troubled preacher named Jessie, accompanied by an Irish vampire and a gun handler, is chosen by a child with only a soul to confront God and expose His abandonment of the world, delving into themes of faith, redemption, and the struggle between good and evil in their quest for justice and truth. Preacher is a 2016 American English-language Adventure Drama television show featuring Dominic Cooper, Joseph Gilgun, Ruth Negga, Lucy Griffiths, W. Earl Brown, Derek Wilson and Lachy Hulme. The series is based on Preacher by Garth Ennis Steve Dillon. Woodbridge Productions in association with Short Drive Entertainment, Point Grey, Original Film, Kickstart Productions, KFL Nightsky Productions, AMC Studios and Sony Pictures Television. were the production houses involved in the project along with executive producer(s) Matt Tauber. Sony Pictures Television acquired the distribution rights for the television show. Creators of the series include Sam Catlin, Seth Rogen and Evan Goldberg. Preacher has 4 seasons and a cumulative total of 43 episodes which have a running time of 42-65 minutes each. and it received positive reviews from critics when it was released. Cinematography was done by Bill Pope and John Grillo. The music was composed by Dave Porter.
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Preacher Reviews and Ratings
Average Review Rating : positive
Positive Review Rating : 84%
Preacher, at its best, is pulpy fun, and director Wayne Yip works hard to keep that pulpy fun going. ( Read More )
But Jesse doesnt seem to care much whether or not people like him. ( Read More )
Hes compelling to watch, even if hes just pondering the empty pews in his church. ( Read More )
In a show thats had some very good montages, David Evans use of mixed media in this particular one works wonderfully as a salute to the characters comic book origins. ( Read More )
Cas feels like Jesse knows that he slept with Tulip, Jesse still doesnt know, and Tulip is kind of caught between the two still. ( Read More )