Two escaped convicts, Lindsay and Lin, find themselves in Mumbai where they each navigate the criminal underworld, find love and connection, and embark on journeys of personal growth and redemption. Shantaram is a 2022 English-language Action Adventure television series featuring Charlie Hunnam, Fayssal Bazzi, Sujaya Dasgupta, Antonia Desplat, Elham Ehsas, David Field and Deepka Ratra.
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Shantaram Reviews and Ratings
Average Review Rating : positive
Positive Review Rating : 69%
Shane Ryan
The show will grip you, but the grip is fleeting. Its one thing to have a rudderless main character... Its quite another to have a rudderless story ( Read More )
Rebecca Nicholson
It knows how to put together a gripping scene and the prison escape is suitably tense. But barely any of the characters feel authentic. ( Read More )
Brian Tallerico
However, even when one is wishing that Shantaram would turn up the narrative heat a bit, its an engaging drama. ( Read More )
Anita Singh
I have never read Shantaram, the best selling (six million copies and counting) book by Gregory David Roberts. If its as bad as the Apple TV+ adaptation, Ive saved myself many hours of tedium. ( Read More )
Joel Keller
Joel Keller (@joelkeller) writes about food, entertainment, parenting and tech, but he doesnt kid himself: hes a TV junkie. ( Read More )