In a futuristic city in Africa, four high school girls are recruited by a retired secret agent to form a superhero team, using their unique abilities to battle supervillains and learn the value of teamwork while simultaneously managing their regular teenage lives. Supa Team 4 is a 2023 English-language Animation Action series starring Pamela Nomvete, Kimani Arthur, Nancy Sekhokoane, Zowa Ngira, Namisa Mdalose, Thabe Ntebe and Chi Mhende.
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Supa Team 4 Reviews and Ratings
Average Review Rating : positive
Positive Review Rating : 50%
John Serba
So maybe it skews a little older in its appeal middleschoolers more than gradeschoolers but its vibrant animation, upbeat tone and cheery voice work will entertain families looking for something significantly less bland and cloying than Paw Patrol. ( Read More )