The Cuphead Show! follows the misadventures of cup brothers Cuphead and Mugman as they navigate their way through various challenges and try to outsmart the Devil who is hunting Cuphead for his soul. The Cuphead Show! is a 2022 English-language Animation Action television series starring Tru Valentino, Frank Todaro, Joe Hanna, Luke Millington-drake, Cosmo Segurson and David Wasson. The series is based on Cuphead and Characters by Studio MDHR. The Cuphead Show! is written by Deeki Deke, Clay Morrow, Adam Paloian, Cosmo Segurson and Dave Wasson and it is directed by Clay Morrow and Adam Paloian. Creator of the series is Dave Wasson. The Cuphead Show! has 3 seasons and a cumulative total of 36 episodes which have a running time of 10-34 minutes each. The Cuphead Show! was released on 18th February 2022 and takes a screen time of 10-34 minutes for each episode. The music was composed by Ego Plum.
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