An orphaned young woman named Marian Brook must navigate New Yorks high society in the 1880s, facing conflicting pressures from her aunts, rich neighbors, and a woman posing as her maid. The Gilded Age is a 2022 American English-language Drama show starring Carrie Coon, Morgan Spector, Louisa Jacobson, Den E Benton, Taissa Farmiga, Harry Richardson and Brooke Bloom. Universal Television was the production house involved in the project. The series is directed by Michael Engler and Salli Richardson Whitfield. The series premiered on January 24, 2022. Creator of the series is Julian Fellowes. The Gilded Age has only one season and a cumulative total of 9 episodes which have a running time of 46-80 minutes each. The series made a box office gross of $0 million.
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