The show follows an Alaskan familys daily life in the wilderness, including their aspirations and unique personalities. The Great North is a 2021 American English-language Animation Comedy television series starring Nick Offerman, Jenny Slate, Will Forte, Dulcé Sloan, Paul Rust, Aparna Nancherla and Michelle Badillo. The series premiered on January 3, 2021. Creator of the series is Lizzie Molyneux-Logelin & Wendy Molyneux & Minty Lewis. The Great North has 3 seasons and a cumulative total of 55 episodes which have a running time of 22 minutes each. and it received positive reviews from critics when it was released. The music was composed by Wendy Molyneux along with Lizzie Molyneux-logelin, Minty Lewis, Tim Dacey and Patrick Dacey.
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