A Marvel series that combines the universe with classic sitcoms, and follows Wanda and Vision as they question the reality of their seemingly perfect life in a suburban neighborhood. WandaVision is a 2021 English-language Action Adventure television show featuring Paul Bettany, Elizabeth Olsen, Kat Dennings, Kathryn Hahn, Randall Park, Shane Berengue and Hans Obma. and it received positive reviews from critics when it was released.
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WandaVision Reviews and Ratings
Average Review Rating : positive
Positive Review Rating : 64%
Quickly, the screaming cant be ignored, and WandaVisions silly, charming comedy feels too much like a distraction. ( Read More )
But unlike with Vision, Wanda cant just zap the viewers into forgetting what theyve seen, felt, or thought. ( Read More )
Even for us humans, healing likely isnt the first word that comes to mind when thinking of sitcoms. ( Read More )
Hahn isnt just mugging or over acting or playing into expected sitcom acting styles; shes infusing personality into those moments and owning them. ( Read More )
Even though what you see are faithfully recreated television shows, theres a lot more going on than meets the eye. ( Read More )