The Chestnut Man is a crime thriller in which detectives Naia Thulin and Mark Hess investigate the brutal murder of a young woman in a quiet Copenhagen suburb, uncovering a potential connection to a missing girl and delving into the unsettling mind of a killer while navigating personal struggles. The Chestnut Man is a 2021 Danish-language Crime Drama television show starring Danica Curcic, Mikkel Boe F Lsgaard, David Dencik, Esben Dalsgaard Andersen, Iben Dorner, Lars Ranthe and Thea Glindorf. The series is inspired from The Chestnut Man by S ren Sveistrup. SAM Productions was the production house involved in the project. The series is directed by Kasper Barfoed and Mikkel Serup. Creators of the series include Nina Quist, Marie Louise Siim, Dorte Warn e Hagh, David Sandreuter and Mikkel Serup. The Chestnut Man has only one season and a cumulative total of 6 episodes which have a running time of 52-59 minutes each. Cinematography was done by Sine Vadstrup Brooker and Louise McLaughlin.
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