Lift is a 2024 American English-language Action Comedy movie starring Kevin Hart, Vincent D onofrio, Gugu Mbatha-raw, Rsula Corber, Billy Magnussen, Jacob Batalon and Alessandro Quattro. Lift was Produced by Kevin Hart, Brian Smiley, Matt Reeves, Adam Kassan, Simon Kinberg and Audrey Chon. Lift is written by Daniel Kunka and directed by F. Gary Gray. Netflix acquired the distribution rights for the film. Lift was released on 12th January 2024 and takes a screen time of 104 minutes. The motion picture made a box office gross of $0 million. Cinematography was done by Bernhard Jasper and editing by William Yeh. The music was composed by Dominic Lewis along with Guillaume Roussel.
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Lift Reviews and Ratings
Average Review Rating : positive
Positive Review Rating : 74%
Christopher Cross
As far as maintaining levity throughout while still holding the whole thing together, Hart doesnt fumble the execution as much as other comedic actors might. ( Read More )
Christy Lemire
Billy Magnussen is the one exception as the safecracker, Magnus; hes doing something delightfully goofy here thats reminiscent of Brad Pitt in Burn After Reading. ( Read More )
John Serba
Memorable Dialogue: One of Harts crispy one liners: This isnt emotional blackmail its blackmail blackmail. ( Read More )
Wendy Ide
Perhaps aware of the limitations of the screenplay, director F Gary Gray deploys an irritating arsenal of flashy camera moves and sleight of hand edits, but these only serve to emphasise the emptiness of the spectacle. ( Read More )
Rohan Naahar
But while The Italian Job was a mostly enjoyable romp, his The Fate of the Furious was an overblown mess marred by infighting among the films two lead stars. ( Read More )