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Side Effects Reviews and Ratings
Average Review Rating : positive
Positive Review Rating : 83%
Owen Gleiberman
But I wish that Soderbergh had taken his own movie more seriously. ( Read More )
Roger Ebert
The result is a film that is watchable enough but never quite lives up to the promise of its intriguing opening. ( Read More )
Eric Kohn
Snippets of dialogue push the plot forward without burying it in a thousand details, and the narrative as a whole barrels ahead while creating the sense that its constantly building toward something. ( Read More )
Justin Chang
The casting of Soderbergh alums Law, Zeta Jones and Tatum lends the picture a somewhat valedictory feel, and if Side Effects is indeed the final chapter of at least one phase of the directors career, it gets the job done in modest but assured fashion. ( Read More )
Steven Soderberghs elegantly coiled puzzler spins a tale of clinical depression and psychiatric malpractice into an absorbing, cunningly unpredictable entertainment that, like much of his recent work, closely observes how a particular subset of American society operates in a needy, greedy, paranoid and duplicitous age. ( Read More )