Set in 1943, the series follows two determined women, one pursuing her dream of playing professional baseball while the other faces constant rejection, both determined to make their mark in the world of baseball. A League of Their Own is a 2022 American English-language Comedy Drama series featuring Abbi Jacobson, Chant Adams, D arcy Carden, Gbemisola Ikumelo, Roberta Colindrez, Kelly Mccormack and Kate Cochran. The series is inspired from A League of Their Own by Lowell Ganz & Babaloo Mandel by Kim Wilson & Kelly Candaele. Sony Pictures Television acquired the distribution rights for the television show. Creator of the series is Will Graham & Abbi Jacobson. A League of Their Own has only one season and a cumulative total of 8 episodes which have a running time of 46-60 minutes each. A League of Their Own was released on 12th August 2022 and takes a screen time of 46-60 minutes for each episode. Cinematography was done by Jeffrey Waldron, Dagmar Weaver-Madsen and Cybel Martin. The music was composed by We Are Dark Angels along with Zachary Dawes And Nick Sena.
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