Cruel Summer tells the captivating story of two teenage girls in a small Texas town during the early 1990s, exploring themes of abduction, popularity, trauma, and the unraveling of truth. Cruel Summer is a 2021 American English-language Drama Mystery television series featuring Olivia Holt, Chiara Aurelia, Froy Gutierrez, Harley Quinn Smith, Brooklyn Sudano, Blake Lee and Madonna Gonzalez. Creator of the series is Bert V. Royal. Cruel Summer has 2 seasons and a cumulative total of 20 episodes which have a running time of 42-45 minutes each. and it received positive reviews from critics when it was released. Cinematography was done by Dami n Garc a, Jayson Crothers, Allan Westbrook and Mark Berlet. The music was composed by Wendy Melvoin along with Lisa Coleman.
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