A timeless being called Morpheus is trapped for a century but escapes, determined to restore balance and peace to the realm of dreams. The Sandman is a 2022 American English-language Drama Fantasy television show starring Tom Sturridge, Boyd Holbrook, Vivienne Acheampong, Patton Oswalt, Jenna Coleman, Gwendoline Christie and Fiona Marr. The series is based on The Sandman by Neil Gaiman Sam Kieth Mike Dringenberg. Creators of the series include Neil Gaiman, David S. Goyer and Allan Heinberg. The Sandman has only one season and a cumulative total of 11 episodes which have a running time of 37-64 minutes each. The Sandman was released on 5th August 2022 and takes a screen time of 37-64 minutes for each episode. Cinematography was done by Will Baldy, George Steel and Sam Heasman. The music was composed by David Buckley.
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